
Thursday, 13 September 2012

AW12: magazine show concept

Plot of the show:

The show is a generic day time show for the college regarding recent headlines, gossip, fashion trends with musical guests and peformance. With its audience demographic aimed at students at the college at the age of 16-18, yet for it to also interest the teachers and other staff around the college.
With it's time duration of 20-25 minutes, it includes many segaments that will be comedic and relevant for the viewers. It will have a minimum of 25%  of live content, which will also include pre-recorded packages/inserts.


Listings - whats coming up on the show

Intro -  A pun that is relavent to recent events i.e olympics or news headlines etc, to open the show.

Start of with a interview of a musical guest who will peform at the end of the show

Have a look at a competition

Back to the studio with a cooking segmentt (with another presenter)

Show trailers for films to look out for - show peoples tweets/text opnions on the film

Fashion trends (with another presenter)

Back to the studio - talk about up coming events, gigs, festivals etc

Close the show with musical guests peformance

Shooting style:

Tripod-moving/tracking tripod
Slr cameras
One shot with interchanging angles when moving to different sets in the studio


When interview guests the stage to be set up like Chelsea Latelys interviewing segament - with individual sofa seats. Or if there's more than one guest or more than one presenter than stage setting like Graham Nortons or Alan Carrs.

The cooking or food making process will be done on a high top table, that will probably have a piece of table cloth thrown on top of it.